Volunteering in numbers

BB Volunteer Projects - FBB Resources

Since 2004, the Bank has supported social projects developed by volunteers through financial resources from the Banco do Brasil Foundation, called BB Volunteer Projects.

The projects must support actions to generate work, employment and income, and to protect the environment.

In 2012, a pilot project was carried out to evaluate the participation and financial support of the Cooperforte Institute in the BB Volunteers Project. Three projects relating to the social and productive inclusion of people with disabilities were selected and received funding from the Institute.

The partnership with the FBB and the Cooperforte Institute in 2012 was responsible for supporting 56 projects by third sector organizations, worth a record R$3.4 million. Between 2004 and 2012, R$20.3 million was invested in 316 projects.

In 2013, the partnership between the Bank and Instituto Cooperforte was made official through a Technical Cooperation Agreement. As a result of this partnership, R$1 million will be added to the R$3 million budgeted by the FBB, making a total of R$4 million to be used in the 2013 selection process.

In 2019, the BB Foundation invested more than R$ 3.2 million in 34 initiatives approved in the internal call for the BB FBB Volunteers Project, covering education, environmental care and socio-productive inclusion actions of institutions that rely on the work of BB volunteers.

Check out the table of BB Volunteer Projects - Resources from FBB and Instituto Cooperforte

YearNumber of projectsInvested amount
200409R$ 757.162,56
200529R$ 2.281.722,32
200615R$ 1.004.788,69
200739R$ 1.832.286,82
200839R$ 2.046.692,66
200928R$ 1.968.169,98
201046R$ 3.508.777,84
2011 (1)55R$ 3.470.751,71
2012 (2)58R$ 3.434.277,45
2013 (3)68R$ 4.205.458,63
2014 (4)57R$ 3.618.424,15
201560R$ 2.768.090,62
201676R$ 4.168.271,04
201768R$ 4.125.266,20
201856R$ 4.956.756,81
201934R$ 3.240.095,31
202113R$ 1.218.831,76
202227R$ 3.734.845,24
202314R$ 2.525.151,47
Total811R$ 54.865.821,26

  1. Until 2011, financial support for the BB Volunteer Project was provided exclusively by the Banco do Brasil Foundation.
  1. Since 2012, the Cooperforte Institute has also allocated funds to the BB Volunteers Project, to support projects for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

  1. In 2013, the FBB supported 52 projects with R$3,274,284.37 and the Cooperforte Institute supported 16 projects with R$931,174.26.

  1. This year the FBB supported 49 projects, totaling R$3,110,454.95, and the Cooperforte Institute supported another 8 projects, amounting to approximately R$507,969.20 in funds to be made available.

Due to the large number of proposals submitted in 2013 and in recognition of the mobilization of BB Volunteers in the institutions where they work, the FBB and the Cooperforte Institute reused some projects from the previous edition. Of these, 68 were selected and 57 approved for support.

BB Volunteer Projects - FIA Resources

In 2003, the Bank began allocating funds from tax waivers to the Childhood and Adolescence Fund, initially supporting the actions of the National Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (Conanda) and projects submitted by municipal or state executives.

Up to 2012, the total amount donated to Conanda was R$48.1 million, while projects submitted directly by state and municipal administrations received a total of R$9.5 million.

Since 2009, part of these funds have also been directed to the Municipal and State Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, with the aim of supporting projects developed by BB volunteers in entities that promote actions for the Promotion, Protection and Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA).

Check out the table: BB Volunteers Project - FIA Resources

YearNumber of projects
Invested amount
200914R$ 1.172.665,74
201031R$ 2.524.996,99
201179R$ 5.112.533,45
2012102R$ 6.477.164,50
2013206R$ 17.632.115,44
201499R$ 6.323.608,09
2015107R$ 4.139.076,20
2016180R$ 6.659.980,01
201776R$ 2.823.309,06BB Consórcios/ BB DTVM/ Brasilcap/ BB TS
201832R$ 1.189.539,46Ativos S.A. / BB Consórcios/ BB DTVM/ Brasilcap/ BB TS
201950R$ 1.924.577,98BB/ Ativos S.A./ BB Consórcios/ BB DTVM/ Brasilcap
202026R$ 1.034.113,75BB DTVM
202153R$ 2.062.106,43BB DTVM
202257R$ 2.251.215,04BB Asset

In 2012, the BB FIA Volunteering Project achieved new records. During the year, the Bank invested more than R$6.5 million in 102 projects supported by BB volunteers (100% of the projects selected) with a focus on promoting, protecting and defending the rights of children and adolescents.

The economic result achieved by Banco do Brasil in 2013 represented one of the largest contributions of capital to the CMDCA benefiting from the 205 projects selected. BB's tax waiver that year amounted to R$17.5 million, which will be passed on by the Councils for the implementation of various initiatives by the entities in favor of Brazilian youth.

Also in 2013, BB DTVM earmarked R$1,290,000 to benefit AACD - São Paulo -SP and APAE - Marechal Cândido Rondon - PR, the CMDCA of Uberlândia - MG and Campo Grande - MS, to prepare their diagnoses of the situation of children and adolescents, and the State Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais, to help organizations affected by the recent floods in those states.

BB DTVM donated R$ 200,000 to Conanda.

In 2013, BB Consórcios made a tax waiver in favor of the São Paulo CMDCA, which supports GRAACC in São Paulo - SP, and the Paraná State Council, which supports the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital in Curitiba - PR, both in the fight against childhood cancer. CMDCA Aberlado Luz - SC and APAE - Valente - BA also received funds.

In 2014, a record 392 proposals were received for the BB FIA 2014 Volunteers Project. Of these, 170 were selected and 99 projects were supported, 68 by Banco do Brasil, through the transfer of R$ 4,294,186.53 in funds; 25 (twenty five) projects by BB DTM with a transfer of R$ 1,639,258.89; and 6 (six) projects by Brasilcap with a transfer of R$ 390,162.67, totaling R$ 6,323,608.09 in transfers to the Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents distributed in all regions of the country.

BB Consórcios allocated funds from its tax incentive to the Estação da Luz Project, in the municipality of Eusébio - CE, in addition to maintaining its focus on the cause of childhood cancer, with the transfer to the projects of GRAACC - São Paulo - SP and Hospital Pequeno Príncipe - Curitiba - PR, totaling R$ 340,000.00 in funds.

In 2015, we came very close to surpassing the record number of proposals received in the BB FIA Volunteers Project, as we received 389 proposals, 250 of which were selected and 107 projects supported as follows: 50 (fifty) by Banco do Brasil with a transfer of R$1,999,555.93; 38 (thirty-eight) by BB DTVM with a transfer of R$1.394,556.27; 11 (eleven) supported by Brasilcap with a transfer of R$ 440,000.00; 1 (one) project by Cateno in the amount of R$ 40,000.00 and 2 (two) projects by BB TS with a transfer of R$ 65,000.00, one of which shared support with BB (BB TS - R$ 25,000.00 and BB - R$ 15,000.00).

Exceptionally, there was no internal call for new proposals in 2016. The projects considered suitable for support in 2015 were reused in 2016. A total of 180 initiatives by BB volunteers received funding to develop actions aimed at children and adolescents.

BB directed R$4.7 million to 122 proposals, Cateno supported 9 projects with R$351,000, BB DTVM directed resources to 23 initiatives in the amount of R$785,000 and Brasilcap donated R$745,000 to 24 projects. BB Consórcios and BB TS supported one project with R$40,000 each.

In 2017, BB provided R$1.5 million to the Nossa Creche Program, run by the São Paulo City Hall, which plans to open 96,000 new places in the municipal public network for children up to the age of three, reducing the shortage of daycare centers in the city.

ELBB supported BB Volunteers' projects and allocated more than R$6 million in FIA funds.

* BB DTVM, Brasilcap, Ativos and BB TS were the companies that supported the BB FIA Volunteers Project 2018, allocating around R$ 1,150,000 to the FIA.

In 2019, BB, BB DTVM, Brasilcap, Ativos and BB Consórcio were the companies that supported the BB FIA Volunteers Project, allocating around R$1,885,000 to the FIA.


In 2017, for the first time, 16 projects were supported by volunteers working in institutions that promote, protect and defend the rights of the elderly, along the same lines as the FIA. BB allocated around R$600,000 in tax benefits.

In 2018, BB Consórcios, BB TS and Brasilcap allocated R$473,000 to support 12 BB volunteer projects.

In 2019, BB, BB Consórcios, Ativos and Brasilcap allocated R$862,000 to support 16 BB volunteer projects.

Check out the table: BB Volunteers Project - Elderly People's Fund Resources

YearNumber of projects
Invested amount
201716R$ 593.439,73BB
201811R$ 432.510,35BB Consórcios/ BB TS/ Brasicap
201923R$ 861.933,75Ativos S.A./ BB/ BB Consócios/ Brasicap
202007R$ 280.000,00BB DTVM
202119R$ 760.000,00BB DTVM
202223R$ 900.385,04BB Asset


In 2014, the Bank, in partnership with BB DTVM, was able to expand its tax incentive allocation and for the first time directed resources to Pronon (National Program to Support Oncological Care) and the Elderly Rights Fund. Each received a donation of R$4.3 from BB and R$1.7 from BB DTVM, totaling R$12 million in donated tax incentives.

In 2015, Banco do Brasil once again took advantage of the opportunity to make donations through Tax Incentives, allocating R$ 2 million to the Barretos Hospital through Pronon (National Program to Support Oncological Care) to projects presented to the Ministry of Health, as well as allocating a further R$ 2 million to the Erasto Gaertner Hospital through donations to the Fund for the Rights of the Elderly.


In 2016, BB directed the largest volume of "social" tax incentives in its history, representing more than R$29.5 million donated to the FIA, Fundo da Pessoa Idosa and Pronon.

In addition to supporting volunteer projects through the FIA, the Bank allocated R$5 million in funds to the affiliates of the National Confederation of Institutions for Support and Assistance to Children and Adolescents with Cancer - Coniacc, BB's partner in the fight against childhood cancer.

BBDTVM and BB Consórcios also directed their FIA funds to institutions affiliated to Coniacc in the amounts of R$ 216,800 and R$ 460,000, respectively.

The Elderly People's Fund received R$10 million in donations for projects at the Barretos Cancer Hospital (SP) and the Erasto Gaetner Hospital (PR) in the amount of R$4.9 million to support each institution, and Vila Vicentina and Ação Comunitária São Francisco de Assis, both in Bauru - SP, which received R$100 thousand each.

Under PRONON, more than R$9.6 million was allocated to projects approved by the Ministry of Health for cancer support and assistance.


In 2017, the Banco do Brasil Conglomerate donated R$17.4 million to social projects through the Childhood and Adolescence Fund (FIA), the Elderly People's Fund, the Oncology Support Program (Pronon) and the Health Care Program for People with Disabilities (Pronas/PCD). The donations benefit children, the elderly, cancer patients and people with special needs. The funds were donated by Banco do Brasil, BB Consórcio, BBDTVM, BBTS, Brasilcap, Brasilprev and Cateno.


In all, in 2018, the companies involved made donations via mechanisms such as the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FIA), the Fund for the Elderly and the

National Programs to Support Oncological Care (Pronon) and the Health of People with Disabilities (Pronas/PCD), which totaled more than R$10 million.


In all, in 2019, BB and its related companies made donations via mechanisms such as the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FIA), the Fund for the Elderly and the National Programs to Support Oncological Care (Pronon) and the Health of People with Disabilities (Pronas/PCD), which totaled more than R$ 14 million.


In all, in 2020, BB and its related companies made 39 donations via mechanisms such as the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FIA), the Fund for the Elderly and the National Programs to Support Oncological Care (Pronon), which totaled R$9,474,611.26.


In all, in 2021, BB and its related companies made 58 donations via mechanisms such as the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FIA), the Fund for the Elderly and the National Programs to Support Oncological Care (Pronon) and the Health of People with Disabilities (Pronas/PCD), which totaled R$29,487,014.88.


In all, in 2022, BB and its related companies made 85 donations via mechanisms such as the Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FIA) and the Fund for the Elderly, which totaled R$36,022,463.27.